Make it Rain: How Repatriating Your Public Cloud Workload Can Deliver Millions in Savings

Make it Rain: How Repatriating Your Public Cloud Workload Can Deliver Millions in Savings

The phenomenon of the public cloud is difficult to get your arms around. Since AWS kicked it off early in the century it has grown and evolved into a modern computing platform - creating the cloud operating model as we know it. Ironically, this standardization around the cloud as an operating model is the one of the reasons that cloud


The World is Software Defined - as Proven by a Hardware Company

The World is Software Defined - as Proven by a Hardware Company

It is hard to believe that it was 13 years ago that Marc Andressen penned his famous blog entitled “Software is Eating the World.” In it he spoke of the disruption that modern software organizations were inflicting on traditional businesses. Thirteen years later, even in the face of stratospheric valuations for Nvidia, software continues to eat the world. The evidence


A Single Pane of Glass - The Enterprise Global Console

A Single Pane of Glass - The Enterprise Global Console

The world changed for MinIO when we introduced the Console to our customers and community nearly three years ago. It was a massive leap forward in accessibility. The trusty CLI and MC commands quickly gave way to the speed and intuitive usability of our new browser-based GUI. It was a game changer for developers and enterprise IT admins. With just


An Unintended Consequence of the AI/ML Revolution - Power Shifts in the Enterprise

An Unintended Consequence of the AI/ML Revolution - Power Shifts in the Enterprise

A lot of ink has been spilled on the significance of the AI/ML technology wave (here are our posts). What doesn’t get attention, but probably should, is how AI/ML is remaking the technology power structure inside the enterprise. As companies reorganize around a data-centric orientation, they are also reorganizing who makes and executes the technology architecture. While


Why Object Storage is Superior to SAN/NAS

Why Object Storage is Superior to SAN/NAS

When it comes to storing and managing data, there is the modern, cloud-native way and there is the traditional, appliance oriented way. Needless to say, object storage is the modern, cloud-native way. While it would be simple to suggest that MinIO is hopelessly biased towards object storage (it is, afterall, the only thing we do), that would miss a key


The Blog Year in Review: Top 10 for 2022

The Blog Year in Review: Top 10 for 2022

This week is always one of reflection. With new outlets pushing their predictions traffic into October and November, we find ourselves taking this week to look back on what we wrote, and more importantly, what our readers read. We had a bang up year on the blog front. We increased pageviews year over year by 80% and increased readers by


Building Sustainable Companies - A Guide for Open Source Startups

Building Sustainable Companies - A Guide for Open Source Startups

Recently, MinIO achieved a major milestone, passing the one billion docker downloads mark. Almost simultaneously, MinIO notched its 20,000th member of its public Slack community and its 35,000th GitHub Stargazers - putting the company in the top 250 repositories on the site (out of 28 million repositories). There are some that will say that those are vanity metrics,