YouTube Summaries: Identity and Access Management

Managing users, groups, and policies for security and functionality with MinIO.
Read moreManaging users, groups, and policies for security and functionality with MinIO.
Read moreWe are back with another educational course in our rapidly expanding repertoire on our YouTube channel. This month, MinIO’s Will Dinyes is discussing Object Management for those who have set up their object store and want to learn more about how to set up an efficient and sustainable data lifecycle management strategy. This 11-part series spanning just over an
Read moreIn the last edition of our Youtube Summary series, we covered Deploying MinIO with Go using the Go SDK. Today, we will be going over using MJ Johnson’s series on using MinIO Client (MC) commands to quickly and efficiently manage your MinIO environment from the command line using Linux-like tools. This roughly half-hour, ten-video course discusses everything you need
Read moreEvery year, those in the storage industry look forward to Philippe Nicolas’s Storage Newsletter’s Predictions of Storage Vendors for trends and new ideas in the storage space. With input from most of the major players in the industry, it is a great barometer of not just where storage is going, but also how those in the know are
Read moreIn our most recent coverage of MinIO YouTube learning, we discussed MJ’s “Essentials for Admins” course. This edition will be covering Will Dinyes’s series for those who wish to deploy MinIO in their working Go (sometimes called Golang) environment. These twelve videos clock in at under an hour—the information is dense, but easily digestible. The only prerequisite
Read moreIn our last YouTube summary post, we covered Mike “MJ” Johnson’s series on running and deploying MinIO on Linux. This week, we will be focusing on Essentials for Admins—a five-part course by MinIO’s Ravind Kumar for developers and system administrators to understand how object storage works and how it can be applied, taking you from the most
Read moreAs most of you know, we have been hard at work on our YouTube channel [] creating a series of tutorials for users of any level. We will use this forum to continually highlight new courses and content. Today our focus is on how to Install and Run MinIO on Linux [
Read moreThe MinIO team is immensely proud of what we have been able to build in the high performance object storage, so we relished the opportunity to showcase our ever-growing functionality at Cloud Field Day in June. After beginning with a high-level overview, we got the chance to dive deeper into MinIO’s various features that put it at the cutting
Read moreWhen we talk about the ways MinIO is changing how enterprises view object storage, we are never far from the topic of Kubernetes. It is one of the most impactful pieces of the cloud ecosystem today, so when discussing MinIO’s critical capabilities at Cloud Field Day back in June, it made sense for us to zero in a chunk
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