Architecting a Modern Data Lake

Architecting a Modern
Data Lake

The Modern Datalake is one-half data warehouse and one-half data lake and uses object storage for everything. The use of object storage to build a data warehouse is made possible by Open Table Formats OTFs) like Apache Iceberg, Apache Hudi, and Delta Lake, which are specifications that, once implemented, make it seamless for object storage to be used as the


The Architect’s Guide to the GenAI Tech Stack - Ten Tools

The Architect’s Guide to the GenAI Tech Stack - Ten Tools

This post first appeared on The New Stack on June 3rd, 2024. I previously wrote about the modern data lake reference architecture, addressing the challenges in every enterprise — more data, aging Hadoop tooling (specifically HDFS) and greater demands for RESTful APIs (S3) and performance — but I want to fill in some gaps.  The modern data lake, sometimes referred to as


Architect’s Guide to a Reference Architecture for an AI/ML Datalake

Architect’s Guide to a Reference Architecture for an AI/ML Datalake

An abbreviated version of this post appeared on The New Stack on March 19th, 2024. In enterprise artificial intelligence, there are two main types of models: discriminative and generative. Discriminative models are used to classify or predict data, while generative models are used to create new data. Even though Generative AI has dominated the news of late, organizations are still


The Architect’s Guide to Thinking About the Hybrid/Multi Cloud

The Architect’s Guide to Thinking About the Hybrid/Multi Cloud

We were recently asked by a journalist to help frame the challenges and complexity of the hybrid cloud for technology leaders. While we suspect many technologists have given this a fair amount of thought, we also know from first-hand discussions with customers and community members that this is still an area of significant inquiry. We wanted to summarize that thinking


Data Stores, Object Stores and the Inevitable Decline of SAN/NAS

Data Stores, Object Stores and the Inevitable Decline of SAN/NAS

Traditionally, the design, acquisition and deployment of storage required specialized skills and the ability to manage a fair amount of complexity to do successfully. Modern object storage has changed that. This is particularly poignant today - where the purchase of SAN and NAS appliances often take months, or longer, to complete. This stands in stark contrast to software defined object