Best Practices for Updates and Restarts
Deep dive into MinIO mindset on how we do and recommend updates and restarts with MinIO.
Read more...Deep dive into MinIO mindset on how we do and recommend updates and restarts with MinIO.
Read more...Traditionally, the design, acquisition and deployment of storage required specialized skills and the ability to manage a fair amount of complexity to do successfully. Modern object storage has changed that. This is particularly poignant today - where the purchase of SAN and NAS appliances often take months, or longer, to complete. This stands in stark contrast to software defined object
Read more...Learn how to use DataProfiler, an OSS project, to identify sensitive information, & you can then use MinIO object storage to protect data.
Read more...Creating a framework for high-performance, cloud-native object storage is mission-critical in the modern enterprise. Take a look at The Buyer’s Guide to Software Defined #ObjectStorage to understand the key capabilities.
Read more...Have you ever wondered how the big dogs with hundreds of apps and millions of users manage their Continuous Integration (Builds) and Continuous Delivery (Deployments) workflows?
Read more...Let open source software help you with simplifying enterprise conversational AI needs and let MinIO handle the storage solutions to enable continuous learning and optimize the knowledge base for improved chatbot experience.
Read more...This post focuses on how Iceberg and MinIO complement each other and how various analytic frameworks (Spark, Flink, Trino, Dremio, and Snowflake) can leverage the two.
Read more...As organizations organize themselves around data, they are becoming application-oriented. The modern application is a cloud native and data-centric application, and benefits from decoupled stateless, immutable services capable of exceptional performance and scale. While MinIO is available on every cloud — public, private, and edge, this post is focused on the Google Cloud Platform with an eye on why you need
Read more...We have said it before, but it bears repeating. The cloud is an operating model - not a physical location. That is why you will find MinIO everywhere on the public cloud, on the private cloud, at the edge. We don’t differentiate and because we are cloud native we are cloud (location) agnostic. The public cloud has mindshare and
Read more...IoT applications have been exploding for some time, from the bleeding edge of the network to the factory floor, but now they are reaching critical mass. They already generate lots of data and that amount is increasing. Some of this data is processed locally but much of it needs to be sent someplace for further analysis. In many cases, the
Read more...Large numbers of small files present big challenges for application performance.
Read more...This post first appeared in The New Stack. With the constant evolution of the enterprise, machine learning and artificial intelligence have become board-level initiatives. Marketing claims aside, capabilities that seemed almost mythical a few years ago are now taken for granted as AI/ML becomes baked into every software stack and architecture. This is becoming known as AI-first architecture. In
Read more...Modern infrastructure is all about availability. * Consider an online mortgage business. A provider has 30 seconds to provide a quote to a prospective buyer or another provider will win the customer’s business. * For online retailers, the weeks between Thanksgiving and New Year’s account for up to 25% of their annual revenue. * The SLAs that customers expect from an
Read more...Primary storage is the storage your application talks to. In the cloud operating model that primarily object storage. Anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you something.
Read more...We just finished up our Storage Field Day presentation last week and one thing that was clear - there are a lot of folks in the analyst community that continue to be invested in the success of SAN/NAS. On the one hand we understand. There are far more companies in the SAN/NAS universe than there are in the
Read more...The current generation of edge computing is still in its infancy. This is a remarkable statement given its size today ($6 billion) and expectations for growth ($61 billion by 2028). Nonetheless, with 5G just taking hold and the Internet of Things (IoT) economy exploding, the truth is we don’t really know how big it may become, or how quickly.
Read more...This post first appeared in the Container Journal [] . The term “software-defined storage” is widely misunderstood by the vendor community. While analysts, both industry and financial, know that software-defined is both the present and future of the storage industry, customers who are unable to make the distinction may find themselves with a hardware- or appliance-based solution
Read more...Protecting blocks is not the same as protecting objects. Learn where block-level RAID falls short compared to erasure coding in distributed object storage.
Read more...MinIO server pools enable rapid expansion without the downtime and risk of rebalancing.
Read more...The line between hybrid cloud and multicloud is blurry at this point. The hybrid cloud is certainly more expansive in its definition (public, on-prem, edge). The multi-cloud generally refers to multiple public cloud. What makes it blurry is that the cloud is a mentality - not a physical location. As a result, we see the terms used interchangeably these days.