What it Really Means to be Software Defined

What it Really Means to be Software Defined

This post first appeared in the Container Journal [https://containerjournal.com/features/what-it-means-to-be-truly-software-defined/] . The term “software-defined storage” is widely misunderstood by the vendor community. While analysts, both industry and financial, know that software-defined is both the present and future of the storage industry, customers who are unable to make the distinction may find themselves with a hardware- or appliance-based solution


From Open Source to Free and Open Source, MinIO is now fully licensed under GNU AGPLv3

From Open Source to Free and Open Source, MinIO is now fully licensed under GNU AGPLv3

With RELEASE.2021-05-11T23-27-41Z [https://github.com/minio/minio/releases/tag/RELEASE.2021-05-11T23-27-41Z] MinIO has completed its transition to the GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 (GNU AGPL v3) license, meaning that the server, client and gateway will also be licensed under GNU AGPL v3. You can read more about the license from Free Software Foundation [https://www.gnu.org/


High Performance Object Storage for VMware Cloud Foundation with VMware Tanzu

High Performance Object Storage for VMware Cloud Foundation with VMware Tanzu

Today we are pleased to announce [https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20200915005471/en/MinIO-and-VMware-Extend-Their-Partnership-Through-vSAN-Persistent-Data-Platform-Interoperability] a significant expansion of our partnership [https://min.io/solutions/vmware] with VMware. This next phase represents a deeper collaboration from our award winning work [https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20180924005328/en/Minio-Receives-Rising-Star-Partner-Award-Pivotal#:~:text=%2D%2D(BUSINESS%20WIRE)%2


What it Really Means to be "Cloud Native" in the Storage World

What it Really Means to be "Cloud Native" in the Storage World

For Cloud Native, Architecture Matters The term ‘cloud native’ is widely used in technical circles but doesn’t have a particularly clear definition. The confusion lies in the fact that being ‘cloud native’ has little to do with the environment your application is deployed to—the term is equally applicable to on-premise or the public cloud. Rather, the term refers