Introducing Technical Certifications at MinIO

Introducing Technical Certifications at MinIO

We are excited to announce our first technical certification, the MinIO Certified Administrator - Practitioner. The MinIO certified professional program is designed to validate an individual's practical skills administrating MinIO. For the practitioner level exam, candidates will need working knowledge of all core features and capabilities including deployment, bucket creation, versioning, life cycle management, replication, encryption, and authentication,


MinIO Object Storage Running on the Google Cloud Platform

MinIO Object Storage Running on the Google Cloud Platform

As organizations organize themselves around data, they are becoming application-oriented. The modern application is a cloud native and data-centric application, and benefits from decoupled stateless, immutable services capable of exceptional performance and scale. While MinIO is available on every cloud — public, private, and edge, this post is focused on the Google Cloud Platform with an eye on why you need