Today we announced the launch of AIStor, a new release which represents our singular focus on building the world’s finest object store for AI/ML workloads. The AIStor represents a year of accelerated learning from our biggest customers. MinIO is operating at a different level than the rest of the industry. We have multiple clients with more than 100
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The regulatory landscape is evolving rapidly, and the upcoming Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) in Europe is a testament to this dynamic change. We have multiple European banking customers and each one is approaching the problem from a slightly different angle with one exception - almost all of them are using modern object storage as the foundational layer.
For IT
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This post initially appeared on The New Stack.
For a few years there, the term “private cloud” had a negative connotation. But as we know, technology is more of a wheel than an arrow, and right on cue, the private cloud is getting a ton of attention and it is all positive. The statistics are clear, Forrester’s 2023 Infrastructure
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We were recently asked by a journalist to help frame the challenges and complexity of the hybrid cloud for technology leaders. While we suspect many technologists have given this a fair amount of thought, we also know from first-hand discussions with customers and community members that this is still an area of significant inquiry. We wanted to summarize that thinking
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The world of backup has entered a brave new world where traditional solutions still have utility but where the scale, speed of change and application landscape require different…radically different…approaches. This post seeks to lay out the challenges of this new world, where the line of demarcation exists and how to think about architecting a data protection framework that
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We live in a cloud-native world where edge architecture must be consistent with cloud architecture, and where data can be retrieved with the same API call regardless of where it lives.
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With today’s announcement
of Starburst’s support for MinIO, it made sense to revisit the architectural
trends that are becoming the standard for analytics workloads. Starburst
provides a perfect example as we shall see shortly.
The architecture follows the model of disaggregating storage and compute.
Modern, high speed networks
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Kubernetes is the primary control and management point for infrastructure as code. Add MinIO and manage object storage within Kubernetes.
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