MinIO Blog

MinIO Blog Posts by Ugur Tigli

A collection of 10 posts from Ugur Tigli

Databases on Object Storage - the New Normal

Ugur Tigli Ugur Tigli on Databases |
Databases on Object Storage - the New Normal

When you think about object storage workloads and storage types - databases are increasingly a core workload. The changes are driven by two forces: the availability of high performance object storage and the explosive growth of data and specifically its associated metadata. Because of these two forces, almost every major database vendor now includes S3 compatible endpoints. Further, for many

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The Architect’s Guide to DORA Regulations and Their Impact on Enterprise Data Storage

The Architect’s Guide to DORA Regulations and Their Impact on Enterprise Data Storage

The regulatory landscape is evolving rapidly, and the upcoming Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) in Europe is a testament to this dynamic change. We have multiple European banking customers and each one is approaching the problem from a slightly different angle with one exception - almost all of them are using modern object storage as the foundational layer.  For IT

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The Architect’s Guide to Thinking About the Hybrid/Multi Cloud

The Architect’s Guide to Thinking About the Hybrid/Multi Cloud

We were recently asked by a journalist to help frame the challenges and complexity of the hybrid cloud for technology leaders. While we suspect many technologists have given this a fair amount of thought, we also know from first-hand discussions with customers and community members that this is still an area of significant inquiry. We wanted to summarize that thinking

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The New Math on Backup and Replication

Ugur Tigli Ugur Tigli on BC/DR |
The New Math on Backup and Replication

The world of backup has entered a brave new world where traditional solutions still have utility but where the scale, speed of change and application landscape require different…radically different…approaches. This post seeks to lay out the challenges of this new world, where the line of demarcation exists and how to think about architecting a data protection framework that

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Disaggregation, Analytical Engines and Starburst Trino

Ugur Tigli Ugur Tigli on Apache Presto |
Disaggregation, Analytical Engines and Starburst Trino

With today’s announcement of Starburst’s support for MinIO, it made sense to revisit the architectural trends that are becoming the standard for analytics workloads. Starburst provides a perfect example as we shall see shortly. The architecture follows the model of disaggregating storage and compute. Modern, high speed networks have obsoleted the old approaches espoused by the many defunct

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