Digging Deeper into Iceberg: ACID Transactions on Tables

Digging Deeper into Iceberg: ACID Transactions on Tables

The Apache Iceberg data lake storage format enables ACID transactions on tables saved to MinIO. ACID transactions enable multiple users and services to concurrently and reliably add and remove records atomically. At the same time, queries are isolated to maintain read consistency against tables that are in the process of being altered. You can put MinIO and Iceberg, in conjunction


Disaggregation, Analytical Engines and Starburst Trino

Disaggregation, Analytical Engines and Starburst Trino

With today’s announcement [https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/starburst-announces-new-product-release-which-extends-flexibility-when-building-data-lakehouse-architecture-301425279.html] of Starburst’s support for MinIO, it made sense to revisit the architectural trends that are becoming the standard for analytics workloads. Starburst provides a perfect example as we shall see shortly. The architecture follows the model of disaggregating storage and compute. Modern, high speed networks