MinIO Replication Best Practices

MinIO Replication Best Practices

We will set up a geographically distributed infrastructure where we have a multi-node multi-drive MinIO cluster in multi-sites across vast distances. This will allow us to truly appreciate replication working at scale to help us understand the infrastructure needed for high availability.


Expose MinIO Tenant Services on EKS using Elastic Load Balancers: Instructions

Expose MinIO Tenant Services on EKS using Elastic Load Balancers: Instructions

This blog post is part two in a series about exposing MinIO tenant services to applications outside of your Amazon EKS cluster. The first blog post provided an overview and comparison of the four methods used for Exposing MinIO Services in AWS EKS Using Elastic Load Balancers. Software-defined MinIO provides distributed high-performance object storage for baremetal and all major Kubernetes


Migrating MinIO Cluster Instances with Zero Downtime and Zero Data Loss

Migrating MinIO Cluster Instances with Zero Downtime and Zero Data Loss

With the advent of cloud computing, ephemeral compute instances have become ubiquitous. This introduces a whole set of challenges around managing the software, applying DevOps principles, addressing security vulnerabilities and ensuring automation. These are mission-critical in order to prevent data theft and service disruption. Addressing security vulnerabilities is particularly challenging as it frequently takes the form of updating and restarting


Introducing DirectPV

Introducing DirectPV

DirectPV is a CSI driver for Direct Attached Storage. At the most basic level, it is a distributed persistent volume manager, and not a storage system like SAN or NAS. DirectPV is used to discover, format, mount, schedule and monitor drives across servers. Before we get into the architecture of DirectPV, let’s address why we needed to build it.