A collection of 4 posts tagged with "R"

Machine Learning Using H20, R and MinIO

Brian Costa Brian Costa on H20 |
Machine Learning Using H20, R and MinIO

I’ve been working with neural networks and machine learning since the late ‘80. Yes, I’m that old. The first product I bought was California Scientific Software BrainMaker Professional. I loved that product because it got me started with neural networks. I still have it: It was a 3 layer neural network product that came with source code in

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MinIO and Apache Arrow Using R

MinIO and Apache Arrow Using R

Arrow here, Arrow there, Arrow everywhere. Seems like currently you can't swing a dead cat without hitting an article or blog post about Apache Arrow. Most seem to be addressing a developer audience and are based on a Python and Spark style development platform. Today I’m going to write about using Apache Arrow with MinIO from the

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