MLflow Tracking and MinIO

MLflow Tracking and MinIO

Introduction It’s challenging to keep track of machine learning experiments. Let’s say you have a collection of raw files in a MinIO bucket to be used to train and test a model. There will always be multiple ways to preprocess the data, engineer features, and design the model. Given all these options, you will want to run many


AI/ML Best Practices During a Gold Rush

AI/ML Best Practices During a Gold Rush

Introduction The California Gold Rush started in 1848 and lasted until 1855. It is estimated that approximately 300,000 people migrated to California from other parts of the United States and abroad. Economic estimates suggest that, on average, only half made a modest profit. The other half either lost money or broke even. Very few gold seekers made a significant


Setting up a Development Machine with MLFlow and MinIO

Setting up a Development Machine with MLFlow and MinIO

About MLflow MLflow is an open-source platform designed to manage the complete machine learning lifecycle. Databricks created it as an internal project to address challenges faced in their own machine learning development and deployment processes. MLflow was later released as an open-source project in June 2018. As a tool for managing the complete lifecycle, MLflow contains the following components. * MLflow


Object Management for AI/ML

Object Management for AI/ML

Introduction In a few previous posts on AI/ML, I mentioned that one of the benefits of MinIO is that you have tools for Versioning, Lifecycle Management, Object Locking, Object Retention and Legal Holds. These capabilities have a variety of uses. You may need a simple way to keep track of training experiments. You could also use these features to


The Architect’s Guide to Storage for AI

The Architect’s Guide to Storage for AI

This post first appeared in The New Stack. Developers gravitate to technologies that are software defined, open source, cloud native and simple. That essentially defines object storage. Introduction Choosing the best storage for all phases of a machine learning (ML) project is critical. Research engineers need to create multiple versions of datasets and experiment with different model architectures. When a