MinIO Blog

MinIO Blog

Teaming With PWC on AI/ML Innovation

Kris Inapurapu Kris Inapurapu on |
Teaming With PWC on AI/ML Innovation

Canada’s artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) credentials are well known to those in the space. Some would argue that Toronto, not Silicon Valley, is the center of the western AI universe. Diplomatically sidestepping that debate, there is no doubt that there are big things going on north of the border. That is why we are so excited

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Thoughts Ahead of VMware Explore

Thoughts Ahead of VMware Explore

VMware Explore kicks off tomorrow evening in San Francisco. It will not be the same event as the last in-person VMworld in 2019 - both in terms of attendance and in terms of content. A lot has happened since then. For starters, VMware has changed hands twice since then - spun out of Dell and then bought by Broadcom. Pat

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SUSE Rancher and MinIO Lock Horns (in a good way...)

SUSE Rancher and MinIO Lock Horns (in a good way...)

Modern enterprises are data-driven and cloud-centric. The latter is a mentality, not a place. The core concepts of the cloud: containerization, orchestration, APIs and automation are the defining characteristics of success for companies in the modern world. Central to this mentality, indeed, perhaps the defining characteristic, is Kubernetes. Kubernetes initially gained popularity as the go-to platform for deploying and orchestrating

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MinIO Object Storage Running on the Google Cloud Platform

MinIO Object Storage Running on the Google Cloud Platform

As organizations organize themselves around data, they are becoming application-oriented. The modern application is a cloud native and data-centric application, and benefits from decoupled stateless, immutable services capable of exceptional performance and scale. While MinIO is available on every cloud — public, private, and edge, this post is focused on the Google Cloud Platform with an eye on why you need

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