MinIO Blog

Apache Kafka

A collection of 11 posts tagged with "Apache Kafka"

Confluent Platform with MinIO Tiered Object Storage Throughput Benchmark

Confluent Platform with MinIO Tiered Object Storage Throughput Benchmark

Confluent, Intel and MinIO conducted benchmarking and certification testing for MinIO Tiered Object Storage for Kafka storage. This blog post describes the observations and results of testing MinIO object storage as a backend for the tiered storage feature of Confluent Platform 7.1.0 on servers equipped with third generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. The scope of these tests was

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How to Set up Kafka and Stream Data to MinIO in Kubernetes

How to Set up Kafka and Stream Data to MinIO in Kubernetes

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform that is used for building real-time data pipelines and streaming applications. It was originally developed by LinkedIn and is now maintained by the Apache Software Foundation. Kafka is designed to handle high volume, high throughput, and low latency data streams, making it a popular choice for building scalable and reliable data

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Publish from Kafka, Persist on MinIO

Publish from Kafka, Persist on MinIO

Streaming data is a core component of the modern object storage stack.  Whether the source of that data is an edge device or an application running in the datacenter, streaming data is quickly outpacing traditional batch processing frameworks. Streaming data includes everything from log files (think Splunk SmartStore), web or mobile applications, autonomous vehicles, social networks and, of course financial

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