MinIO Blog


A collection of 13 posts tagged with "AWS"

The Lifecycle of the Cloud

The Lifecycle of the Cloud

The double whammy of inflation (and correspondingly high interest rates for the foreseeable future), demand destruction and an uncertain outlook have companies aggressively looking for cost savings. Now. While reducing headcount is a current play for most of the tech industry, there is real money in the data stack. Every company is a data company at this juncture - it

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Benchmarking MinIO vs. AWS S3 for Apache Spark

Benchmarking MinIO vs. AWS S3 for Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a framework for distributed computing. It provides one of the best mechanisms for distributing data across multiple machines in a cluster and performing computations on it. Spark achieves this by constructing data structures called RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets). RDDs allow data to be broken into disparate chunks and processed independently of one another. The individual chunks can

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Containerized data analytics at scale, with MinIO and Pachyderm

Containers running on orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, DC/OS et al. offer powerful, versatile ways to deploy applications. Containers let you deploy isolated application instances, and you can launch multiple such instances to scale up your load serving capacity. You don’t even need to worry about individual server capacities and scheduling thanks to orchestration tool, which provide

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