The Disruptive Nature of Data Lakehouses

The Disruptive Nature of Data Lakehouses

Introduction In 1997, Clayton Christensen, in his book The Innovator’s Dilemma, identified a pattern of innovation that tracked the capabilities, cost, and adoption by market segment between an incumbent and a new entrant. He labeled this pattern “Disruptive Innovation.” Not every successful product is disruptive - even if it causes well-established businesses to lose market share or even fail


Digging Deeper into Iceberg: ACID Transactions on Tables

Digging Deeper into Iceberg: ACID Transactions on Tables

The Apache Iceberg data lake storage format enables ACID transactions on tables saved to MinIO. ACID transactions enable multiple users and services to concurrently and reliably add and remove records atomically. At the same time, queries are isolated to maintain read consistency against tables that are in the process of being altered. You can put MinIO and Iceberg, in conjunction


Five Strata Takeaways

Five Strata Takeaways

With another Strata in the rearview mirror, it is time to reflect on what we saw and heard during the week. Strata is clearly a data science show at this point but data science is broad topic. Our perspective, as a provider of high performance object storage, is framed accordingly and we focus on the data stack more than we


Benchmarking MinIO vs. AWS S3 for Apache Spark

Benchmarking MinIO vs. AWS S3 for Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a framework for distributed computing. It provides one of the best mechanisms for distributing data across multiple machines in a cluster and performing computations on it. Spark achieves this by constructing data structures called RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets). RDDs allow data to be broken into disparate chunks and processed independently of one another. The individual chunks can


S3 Benchmark: MinIO on HDDs

S3 Benchmark: MinIO on HDDs

High performance object storage is one of the hotter topics in the enterprise today. On the one hand, object storage has become an indispensable part of the enterprise storage strategy (public or private cloud) - carrying the vast, vast majority of the enterprise burden when measured in TBs or PBs. On the other hand, object storage has traditionally served a


Introducing Spark-Select for MinIO Data Lakes

Introducing Spark-Select for MinIO Data Lakes

When early object storage APIs were developed they focused on the efficient storage and retrieval of objects. Amazon’s success with S3 and its implementation of the robust S3 API quickly became the de facto standard for object storage in the cloud. MinIO, recognizing this, invested heavily in creating the most compliant implementation of the S3 API outside of Amazon.


Scalable Genomics Data Processing Pipeline with Alluxio, Apache Mesos, and MinIO

This is a guest blog from our friends at Guardant Health []. Guardant Health is the world leader in comprehensive liquid biopsy. Oncologists order our blood test to help determine if their advanced cancer patients are eligible for certain drugs that target specific genomic alterations in tumour DNA. Each test produces huge amounts of genomic data that