MinIO Blog


A collection of 26 posts tagged with "Benchmarks"

Benchmarking MinIO vs. AWS S3 for Apache Spark

Benchmarking MinIO vs. AWS S3 for Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a framework for distributed computing. It provides one of the best mechanisms for distributing data across multiple machines in a cluster and performing computations on it. Spark achieves this by constructing data structures called RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets). RDDs allow data to be broken into disparate chunks and processed independently of one another. The individual chunks can

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S3 Benchmark: MinIO on NVMe

S3 Benchmark: MinIO on NVMe

Well written software is fast software. When MinIO was conceived it was designed from scratch to be simple, to scale (because simple things scale better) and to be fast. Simplicity and scale have their own subjective and objective measures - but fast is generally a numbers game. When you take well-written, fast software and pair it with fast hardware the

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S3 Benchmark: MinIO on HDDs

S3 Benchmark: MinIO on HDDs

High performance object storage is one of the hotter topics in the enterprise today. On the one hand, object storage has become an indispensable part of the enterprise storage strategy (public or private cloud) - carrying the vast, vast majority of the enterprise burden when measured in TBs or PBs. On the other hand, object storage has traditionally served a

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