We have said it before, but it bears repeating. The cloud is an operating model - not a physical location. That is why you will find MinIO everywhere on the public cloud, on the private cloud, at the edge. We don’t differentiate and because we are cloud native we are cloud (location) agnostic.
The public cloud has mindshare and
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In this post we’ll show you how quickly you can get a production grade of MinIO cluster up and running in just a few seconds. Not only that, but we’ll also show you how you can expand that cluster quickly in just a few seconds as well.
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The team at Insight Partners just released their State of Enterprise Tech report for 2024. There is a lot to consume in the 60+ slides, but we cherry picked the things that should be interesting to our audience - and frankly there is a lot of interesting stuff.
I will leave the survey methodology stuff for you to consume, but
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The phenomenon of the public cloud is difficult to get your arms around. Since AWS kicked it off early in the century it has grown and evolved into a modern computing platform - creating the cloud operating model as we know it. Ironically, this standardization around the cloud as an operating model is the one of the reasons that cloud
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The public cloud changed the way companies build, deploy and manage their applications - mostly for the better. As you’re getting started, the public cloud supplies the infrastructure, services, enablement and maintenance to be up and running quickly. It provides ultimate scalability, in almost unlimited fashion, up and down, to provide you with the necessary resources no matter the
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Google recently announced that it would eliminate data egress fees for those leaving the platform. Given our position on the cloud operating model and the lifecycle of the cloud, this appeared to be a major announcement. It is not.
You could understand our initial enthusiasm. Google stated that any "customers who wish to stop using Google Cloud and migrate
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In this post, we’ll take a look at the various states an object can be in during the replication process and how to get back up and running as quickly as possible among other tidbits so you have a pleasant experience Day 2 of replication.
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There is an interesting report out from McKinsey on the impending impact of AI on an enterprise’s cloud investments.
There was a quote early on in the piece where McKinsey states:“While the possible impact varies by sector, adopting cloud represents an opportunity for the average company to increase profitability by 20 to 30 percent.”
To many, this would
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