Control Cloud Data Costs with MinIO on Equinix

Control Cloud Data Costs with MinIO on Equinix

The public cloud changed the way companies build, deploy and manage their applications - mostly for the better. As you’re getting started, the public cloud supplies the infrastructure, services, enablement and maintenance to be up and running quickly. It provides ultimate scalability, in almost unlimited fashion, up and down, to provide you with the necessary resources no matter the


We Read Google’s New Egress Policy So You Don’t Have To…It Is Surprising

We Read Google’s New Egress Policy So You Don’t Have To…It Is Surprising

Google recently announced that it would eliminate data egress fees for those leaving the platform. Given our position on the cloud operating model and the lifecycle of the cloud, this appeared to be a major announcement. It is not.  You could understand our initial enthusiasm. Google stated that any  "customers who wish to stop using Google Cloud and migrate