MinIO Blog

Edge Computing

A collection of 9 posts tagged with "Edge Computing"

Gone [to Prod] in 60 Seconds

AJ AJ on Cloud Operating Model |
Gone [to Prod] in 60 Seconds

In this post we’ll show you how quickly you can get a production grade of MinIO cluster up and running in just a few seconds. Not only that, but we’ll also show you how you can expand that cluster quickly in just a few seconds as well.

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Storage at the Edge

Storage at the Edge

Edge computing is a hot topic and carries with it some confusion, particularly around storage. Handling data properly at the edge can ensure a scalable, cost-effective and secure infrastructure - but failing to set up the right architecture can lead to data loss, security vulnerabilities and sky-high costs related to the bandwidth needed to transfer data repeatedly to and from

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MinIO server gauge with Raspberry Pi

MinIO MinIO MinIO on Edge Computing |

Today we’ll take a look at an IoT pressure gauge for your MinIO server. This is a cool hack built by Alex Ellis with the Raspberry Pi, Docker and MinIO. > After contributing code to the Open-Source MinIO project to enable webhooks Alex wanted visualize the traffic passing through his server. His hack shows the rate that objects get

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