MinIO Blog


A collection of 34 posts tagged with "Multicloud"

Dell ECS Data Movement to MinIO

AJ AJ on Cloud Repatriation |
Dell ECS Data Movement to MinIO

Dell ECS's “Data Movement”, also called copy-to-cloud is a feature introduced in ECS that allows you to copy objects from Dell ECS to MinIO which is rather popular with customers and prospects who are modernizing their storage stack to support their AI data infrastructure requirements.

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Integrate MinIO with Keycloak OIDC

AJ AJ on Security |
Integrate MinIO with Keycloak OIDC

In this blog post, we’ll show you how to set up MinIO to work with Keycloak. But broadly it should also give you an idea of how OIDC is configured with MinIO so you can use it with anything other than Keycloak, here we just use it as an example.

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Control Cloud Data Costs with MinIO on Equinix

Control Cloud Data Costs with MinIO on Equinix

The public cloud changed the way companies build, deploy and manage their applications - mostly for the better. As you’re getting started, the public cloud supplies the infrastructure, services, enablement and maintenance to be up and running quickly. It provides ultimate scalability, in almost unlimited fashion, up and down, to provide you with the necessary resources no matter the

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Strict Consistency is a Hard Requirement for Primary Storage

Strict Consistency is a Hard Requirement for Primary Storage

Enterprises rely on data to make decisions. Effective decision-making hinges on the accuracy, timeliness, availability, and security of data. Data consistency, an important factor that cannot be ignored when purchasing storage, involves ensuring that all relevant parties can immediately access the results of a database transaction once it has been finalized, either through commitment or rollback. This guarantees that everyone

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The Architect’s Guide to Thinking About the Hybrid/Multi Cloud

The Architect’s Guide to Thinking About the Hybrid/Multi Cloud

We were recently asked by a journalist to help frame the challenges and complexity of the hybrid cloud for technology leaders. While we suspect many technologists have given this a fair amount of thought, we also know from first-hand discussions with customers and community members that this is still an area of significant inquiry. We wanted to summarize that thinking

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The Lifecycle of the Cloud

The Lifecycle of the Cloud

The double whammy of inflation (and correspondingly high interest rates for the foreseeable future), demand destruction and an uncertain outlook have companies aggressively looking for cost savings. Now. While reducing headcount is a current play for most of the tech industry, there is real money in the data stack. Every company is a data company at this juncture - it

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Faster Multi-Site Replication and Resync

Faster Multi-Site Replication and  Resync

First introduced in late 2021, multi-site Active-Active Replication has grown to be one of the most impactful MinIO features. MinIO has long had the ability to replicate between buckets to synchronize objects, delete operations and metadata changes, but Multi-site Active-Active Replication goes beyond bucket replication to synchronize all buckets, IAM, security tokens, service accounts and bucket-level configurations. As businesses gather

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