MinIO Blog

Object Storage

A collection of 38 posts tagged with "Object Storage"

WARP speed your AI data storage Infrastructure

AJ AJ on AI/ML |
WARP speed your AI data storage Infrastructure

Do you know the secret to some of the best AI models out there? It's the amount of data they had access to on which they could be trained on. For AI/ML models Fast accessible Data is King. Let me emphasize, it's not just Data, but fast accessible Data.

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Dell ECS Data Movement to MinIO

AJ AJ on Cloud Repatriation |
Dell ECS Data Movement to MinIO

Dell ECS's “Data Movement”, also called copy-to-cloud is a feature introduced in ECS that allows you to copy objects from Dell ECS to MinIO which is rather popular with customers and prospects who are modernizing their storage stack to support their AI data infrastructure requirements.

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Prefix vs Folder

AJ AJ on Object Storage |
Prefix vs Folder

How you ever wondered how object storage creates its folder structure mimicking a POSIX style hierarchy but something that is actually built for speed and efficiency? Today in this post you will find out what actually makes the internal structure you see visually in your MInIO buckets.

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Strict Consistency is a Hard Requirement for Primary Storage

Strict Consistency is a Hard Requirement for Primary Storage

Enterprises rely on data to make decisions. Effective decision-making hinges on the accuracy, timeliness, availability, and security of data. Data consistency, an important factor that cannot be ignored when purchasing storage, involves ensuring that all relevant parties can immediately access the results of a database transaction once it has been finalized, either through commitment or rollback. This guarantees that everyone

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