Putting a Filesystem on Top of an Object Store is a Bad Idea. Here is why.

Putting a Filesystem on Top of an Object Store is a Bad Idea. Here is why.

When purchasing storage, the emphasis is usually on media, but it may be even more important to consider access methods too. You will need to take storage protocols into account when designing and procuring infrastructure, especially when you leave legacy storage behind in order to migrate to cloud-native object storage. However, object storage relies on the S3 API for communications,


YouTube Summaries: Object Management

YouTube Summaries: Object Management

We are back with another educational course in our rapidly expanding repertoire on our YouTube channel. This month, MinIO’s Will Dinyes is discussing Object Management for those who have set up their object store and want to learn more about how to set up an efficient and sustainable data lifecycle management strategy. This 11-part series spanning just over an


GitLab and MinIO for DevOps at Scale

GitLab and MinIO for DevOps at Scale

GitLab can use MinIO as its object storage backend to store large files such as artifacts, Docker images, and Git LFS files. Given the right underlying hardware, MinIO provides the performance and scale to support any modern workload, including GitLab.


Constructing a CI/CD Build Pipeline

Constructing a CI/CD Build Pipeline

In this tutorial, we’ll bake the MinIO binary and the service dependencies, such as the username and group required for MinIO. We are baking this instead of frying because these will remain the same no matter how we configure and launch our image.