MinIO Blog

Open Source

A collection of 42 posts tagged with "Open Source"

Open Source or Closed? The AI Dilemma

Open Source or Closed? The AI Dilemma

This post first appeared on The New Stack on July 29th, 2024. Artificial Intelligence is in the middle of a perfect storm in the software industry, and now Mark Zuckerberg is calling for open-sourced AI.  Three powerful perspectives are colliding on how to control AI:  1. All AI should be open-source for sharing and transparency. 2. Keep AI closed-source and

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OpenSearchCon 2023 Talk

AJ AJ on Open Source |
OpenSearchCon 2023 Talk

Apparently, the OpenSearch folks love MinIO as much as we love OpenSearch, the talk got accepted and we were invited to present it in Seattle. It was very cold in the Northwest but we were very excited nonetheless.

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Weka Violates MinIO's Open Source Licenses

At MinIO, we are dedicated to the principles of open source software. From the beginning, we’ve remained committed to this philosophy and that’s why you will find that the upstream and the commercial code are exactly the same. We are obligated to protect our software - particularly from companies that package it in their proprietary products and pass

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MinIO Object Lambda

MinIO Object Lambda

MinIO's Object Lambda implementation allows for the transformation of your data to serve unique data format requirements on an application-by-application basis. For example, a dataset created by an e-commerce application might include personally identifiable information (PII). When the same data is processed for analytics, PII should be redacted. However, if the same dataset is used for a marketing

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Building Sustainable Companies - A Guide for Open Source Startups

Building Sustainable Companies - A Guide for Open Source Startups

Recently, MinIO achieved a major milestone, passing the one billion docker downloads mark. Almost simultaneously, MinIO notched its 20,000th member of its public Slack community and its 35,000th GitHub Stargazers - putting the company in the top 250 repositories on the site (out of 28 million repositories). There are some that will say that those are vanity metrics,

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