MinIO Blog

Operator's Guide

A collection of 95 posts tagged with "Operator's Guide"

Experimental Amazon S3 API support for Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage Service

MinIO MinIO MinIO on Cloud Computing |

Some our community members have repeatedly asked for Backblaze B2 Cloud Storage and MinIO integration [1] [] . B2 is competitively priced and has a huge fan following. We also heard from Backblaze team that they are actively expanding their B2 cloud storage service. We added experimental support for Backblaze B2 backend in MinIO to

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MinIO server gauge with Raspberry Pi

MinIO MinIO MinIO on Edge Computing |

Today we’ll take a look at an IoT pressure gauge for your MinIO server. This is a cool hack built by Alex Ellis with the Raspberry Pi, Docker and MinIO. > After contributing code to the Open-Source MinIO project to enable webhooks Alex wanted visualize the traffic passing through his server. His hack shows the rate that objects get

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Containerized data analytics at scale, with MinIO and Pachyderm

Containers running on orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, DC/OS et al. offer powerful, versatile ways to deploy applications. Containers let you deploy isolated application instances, and you can launch multiple such instances to scale up your load serving capacity. You don’t even need to worry about individual server capacities and scheduling thanks to orchestration tool, which provide

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Scalable Genomics Data Processing Pipeline with Alluxio, Apache Mesos, and MinIO

This is a guest blog from our friends at Guardant Health []. Guardant Health is the world leader in comprehensive liquid biopsy. Oncologists order our blood test to help determine if their advanced cancer patients are eligible for certain drugs that target specific genomic alterations in tumour DNA. Each test produces huge amounts of genomic data that

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How to use VMware Harbor with MinIO?

MinIO MinIO MinIO on VMware |

Harbor [] is an enterprise-class docker registry server to store and distribute container images. Follow this document to use MinIO object storage server as a storage backend for Harbor container registry. Prerequisites Install and run MinIO [] server docker run -p 9000:9000 --name minio \ -e "MINIO_ACCESS_KEY=minio&

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Deploy MinIO cloud storage to Mesosphere DC/OS

Nitish Tiwari Nitish Tiwari on Docker |

Container orchestration is gaining traction as the default way to deploy applications. Developers are architecting their modern applications from the ground-up to run in containers, which enables faster deployment and more resilience. Even legacy applications are adopting containers in every way they can to access these advantages. Of the many characteristics that make an application container ready, the way it

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Introducing Webhooks for MinIO

MinIO MinIO MinIO on Cloud Computing |

MinIO provides integration with a range of backend systems which enables you to build a complete solution for your projects. The team has recently integrated a pull request from the community to add Webhook support and wanted to tell you a bit about it.

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Set up an automated data backup system with MinIO and CloudBerry

Data loss is more frequent that we think. Whether you lose data from your laptop or a mission critical application server, it can be devastating. You may not have faced it yourself, but think of people close to you — friends, family, colleagues—and you’ll find several instances of people losing critical personal or business data. To avoid such loss,

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Build AWS S3 compatible cloud storage on GCP with Minio and Kubernetes

Applications today generate [] more data than ever, and this upward trend is expected to keep up [] in foreseeable future. How do you handle this ever growing storage requirement of your application? A storage solution that can run where your application runs and can scale with

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Publish Minio events via NATS

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Introduction Minio [] server supports Amazon S3 compatible bucket event notification for following targets AMQP [], Elasticsearch [] , Redis [], [], PostgreSQL [] and Apache Kafka []. Part 4

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Publish MinIO events via Redis

MinIO MinIO MinIO on Operator's Guide |

Introduction Minio [] server supports Amazon S3 compatible bucket event notification for following targets AMQP [], Elasticsearch [] , Redis [], [], PostgreSQL [] and Apache Kafka []. Part 3

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Publish Minio events via Elasticsearch

MinIO MinIO MinIO on Operator's Guide |

Introduction Minio [] server supports Amazon S3 compatible bucket event notification for following targets AMQP [], Elasticsearch [] , Redis [], [], PostgreSQL [] and Apache Kafka []. Part 2

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Publish Minio events via RabbitMQ

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Publish Minio events via RabbitMQ

Introduction Minio [] server supports Amazon S3 compatible bucket event notification for following targets AMQP [], Elasticsearch [] , Redis [], [], PostgreSQL [] and Apache Kafka []. Part 1

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Store your Node.js application logs to Minio

Logging remains one of the major concerns among developers. Typically, various components like the web servers, databases store logs at different locations. When something goes wrong, developers need to look all around to find the relevant logs. Wouldn’t it be nice to have your application logs automatically stored at a predefined location. You can do this with Fluentd and

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