Prefix vs Folder

Prefix vs Folder

How you ever wondered how object storage creates its folder structure mimicking a POSIX style hierarchy but something that is actually built for speed and efficiency? Today in this post you will find out what actually makes the internal structure you see visually in your MInIO buckets.


Deprecation of the MinIO gateway

MinIO is deprecating the gateway and will be completely removed in six months. This should not come as a surprise, we began informing the community in 2020 and have steadily removed unpopular gateways. In the last ten months, MinIO has only made bug fixes. The community can continue to use older versions of MinIO past that date. We also encourage


Benchmarking MinIO vs. AWS S3 for Apache Spark

Benchmarking MinIO vs. AWS S3 for Apache Spark

Apache Spark is a framework for distributed computing. It provides one of the best mechanisms for distributing data across multiple machines in a cluster and performing computations on it. Spark achieves this by constructing data structures called RDDs (Resilient Distributed Datasets). RDDs allow data to be broken into disparate chunks and processed independently of one another. The individual chunks can