MinIO Blog


A collection of 38 posts tagged with "Security"

Ransomware in 2022: Protect Your Backups

Ransomware in 2022: Protect Your Backups

In 2022, every business must take precautions to protect against the serious threat of ransomware. In 2020 and 2021, we saw an increase in the number and severity of ransomware attacks, and 2022 promises to continue this fearsome trend. According to BlackFog, in 2021 there was a record total of 292 reported ransomware attacks. Of these, more than 80% involved

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The Raccoon Attack - It Is All About The Timing

The Raccoon Attack - It Is All About The Timing

Two days ago, on Sep. 08, research teams from Germany and Israel published a  joint research paper [] describing another TLS timing attack - called Raccoon. This attack targets all TLS versions up to 1.2. The new attack [] exploits a timing side-channel during the TLS handshake when the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange

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Object Locking, Versioning, Holds and Modes in MinIO

Object Locking, Versioning, Holds and Modes in MinIO

MinIO supports a complete object locking framework offering both Legal Hold and Retention (with Governance and Compliance modes). Object Locking functionality is a requirement for many regulated industries from financial services to healthcare. Lifecycle management is an increasingly critical element in the data ecosystem. Data is the primary asset in most organizations at this point - more so than the

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Open Source = Bombproof

Open Source = Bombproof

Software isn't usually described as bombproof. Particularly the type of software that is responsible for large analytic jobs or machine learning workloads. The words “finicky”, “complex” or in the case of good marketing “professional grade” (meaning you need years of study and multiple certifications) are more common. Bombproof software, however, is one of the many benefits associated with

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Go implementation of Data At Rest Encryption

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Introduction Encrypting network traffic is becoming the default. There are standardized protocols like SSH and TLS as well as projects like Let’s Encrypt to protect data sent over the network. TLS for example takes a data stream, chunks the stream into messages and encrypts every message before sending it through the network. TLS ensures that each message is encrypted

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