Defining Primary Storage

Primary storage is the storage your application talks to. In the cloud operating model that primarily object storage. Anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you something.
Read moreA collection of 6 posts tagged with "SFD"
Primary storage is the storage your application talks to. In the cloud operating model that primarily object storage. Anyone who tells you differently is trying to sell you something.
Read moreWe just finished up our Storage Field Day presentation last week and one thing that was clear - there are a lot of folks in the analyst community that continue to be invested in the success of SAN/NAS. On the one hand we understand. There are far more companies in the SAN/NAS universe than there are in the
Read moreAs we said in our opening, we love Storage Field Day because it is a chance for us to reflect on our accomplishments while forcing us to confront our future. We say confront because the delegates at SFD are among the brightest, politest group of skeptics you are likely to encounter. They push you for answers, they challenge you for
Read moreKubernetes seems to be the answer to a lot of questions these days. It should be—it is the dominant way to deliver compute, networking and storage to applications. Its dominance is surprising in a tech world where there is generally room for several players. This was a winner take all market and Kubernetes took it all. As we note
Read moreThis is going to be a relatively short post because the good stuff is really in the video, courtesy of Daniel Valdivia and AB. The summary is that MinIO has a ridiculously talented engineering team that has been together for more than a decade. Many of them were part of the Gluster team and have forgotten more about file systems
Read moreWe got crunched for time at the end of our SFD slot. Given how important the hybrid cloud story is to our future, I probably shouldn’t have left it for last. Too many great questions threw us off our schedule and we arrived at the start of the section with not enough time to do it justice. So what
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