MinIO Blog

MinIO Blog

Object Detection Made Simple with MinIO and YOLO

Object Detection Made Simple with MinIO and YOLO

Tl;dr: In this post, we will create a custom image dataset and then train a You-Only-Look-Once (YOLO) model for the ubiquitous task of object detection. We will then implement a system using MinIO Bucket Notifications that can automatically perform inference on a new image. Introduction: Computer vision remains an extremely compelling application of artificial intelligence. Whether it’s recognizing

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The Disruptive Nature of Data Lakehouses

The Disruptive Nature of Data Lakehouses

Introduction In 1997, Clayton Christensen, in his book The Innovator’s Dilemma, identified a pattern of innovation that tracked the capabilities, cost, and adoption by market segment between an incumbent and a new entrant. He labeled this pattern “Disruptive Innovation.” Not every successful product is disruptive - even if it causes well-established businesses to lose market share or even fail

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Understanding the Attack Vector for CVE-2023-28432 and CVE-2023-28434

On September 4th, it was uncovered that an unknown threat actor had attacked publicly available MinIO object storage clusters. The attackers exploited two known security vulnerabilities in the MinIO server: CVE-2023-28432 and CVE-2023-28434 Both vulnerabilities had been reported and fixed on March 19th and 20th, and a new release, RELEASE.2023-03-20T20-16-18Z, was published on the same day. Both CVEs were

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SUBNET, Engineering Creativity, and You

SUBNET, Engineering Creativity, and You

When we started MinIO, we set out to set a new standard for object storage. We built a software-defined, S3 API compatible object storage that is the fastest and most scalable solution available that isn’t S3. But we didn’t stop there. We are also crafting an entirely different experience through our SUBNET experience. SUBNET combines a commercial license

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A Developer’s Introduction to Apache Iceberg using MinIO

A Developer’s Introduction to Apache Iceberg using MinIO

Introduction Open Table Formats (OTFs) are a phenomenon in the data analytics world that has been gaining momentum recently. The promise of OTFs is as a solution that leverages distributed computing and distributed object stores to provide capabilities that exceed what is possible with a Data Warehouse. The open aspect of these formats gives organizations options when it comes to

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The Architect’s Guide to Thinking About the Hybrid/Multi Cloud

The Architect’s Guide to Thinking About the Hybrid/Multi Cloud

We were recently asked by a journalist to help frame the challenges and complexity of the hybrid cloud for technology leaders. While we suspect many technologists have given this a fair amount of thought, we also know from first-hand discussions with customers and community members that this is still an area of significant inquiry. We wanted to summarize that thinking

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Anomaly Detection from Log Files: The Performance at Scale Use Case

Moiz Kohari Moiz Kohari on AI/ML |
Anomaly Detection from Log Files: The Performance at Scale Use Case

Driving competitive advantage by employing the best technologies separates great operators from good operators. Discovering the hidden gems in your corporate data and then presenting key actionable insights to your clients will help create an indispensable service for your clients, and isn’t this what every executive wishes to create? Cloud-based data storage (led by the likes of Amazon S3,

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MLflow Tracking and MinIO

MLflow Tracking and MinIO

Introduction It’s challenging to keep track of machine learning experiments. Let’s say you have a collection of raw files in a MinIO bucket to be used to train and test a model. There will always be multiple ways to preprocess the data, engineer features, and design the model. Given all these options, you will want to run many

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AI/ML Best Practices During a Gold Rush

AI/ML Best Practices During a Gold Rush

Introduction The California Gold Rush started in 1848 and lasted until 1855. It is estimated that approximately 300,000 people migrated to California from other parts of the United States and abroad. Economic estimates suggest that, on average, only half made a modest profit. The other half either lost money or broke even. Very few gold seekers made a significant

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Solving the Hybrid-Cloud Challenge - UCE Systems and MinIO

Solving the Hybrid-Cloud Challenge - UCE Systems and MinIO

MinIO has partners across the ecosystem - from our cloud partnerships with AWS, GCP, Azure and IBM to more solution-focused partnerships like Snowflake and Dremio. We are pleased to add UCE Systems to our roster of solutions-based partnerships. UCE is a leading consulting firm focused on modern data platforms (like the aforementioned Dremio). UCE has brought dozens of enterprises out

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