MinIO Blog

MinIO Blog

Revolutionizing Mobile Testing with Big Data and AI

Revolutionizing Mobile Testing with Big Data and AI

A mobile application is a company's brand available on demand. It is a window into any service or product an organization offers. At Kobiton, they understand this—it is their mission to improve mobile applications through testing.  Kobiton is a mobile testing platform that allows customers to perform manual and automated testing on real mobile devices from anywhere

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MinIO’s S3 over RDMA Initiative: Setting New Standards in Object Storage for High-Speed AI Data Infrastructure

MinIO’s S3 over RDMA Initiative: Setting New Standards in Object Storage for High-Speed AI Data Infrastructure

As the demands of AI and machine learning continue to accelerate, data center networking is evolving rapidly to keep pace. For many enterprises, 400GbE and even 800GbE are becoming standard choices, driven by the need for high-speed, low-latency data transfer for AI workloads that are both data-intensive and time-sensitive. AI models for tasks like large language processing, real-time analytics, and

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A Redesigned Global Console for AI-Centric Workloads

AJ AJ on AIStor |
A Redesigned Global Console for AI-Centric Workloads

The MinIO Console has been an evolving product for several years now. Every time we learn, we think about how to improve this incredibly important part of our interaction framework. First came the Console, which saw massive adoption within a year of its introduction. More than 10K organizations to be more specific.Next came the enterprise Console. That moved from

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