MinIO Blog

Cloud Native

A collection of 49 posts tagged with "Cloud Native"

Tiering, Active Active Replication and Continuous Data Protection - Critical Capabilities in the Cloud: CFD11 Deep Dive Session Two

Tiering, Active Active Replication and Continuous Data Protection - Critical Capabilities in the Cloud: CFD11 Deep Dive Session Two

The MinIO team is immensely proud of what we have been able to build in the high performance object storage, so we relished the opportunity to showcase our ever-growing functionality at Cloud Field Day in June. After beginning with a high-level overview, we got the chance to dive deeper into MinIO’s various features that put it at the cutting

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Saving the Planet One Tenant at Time

Saving the Planet One Tenant at Time

Every company needs to have climate change as a part of their business plan. Think of it as a contract with society at large. MinIO has taken great pride in developing a culture that thinks about big problems, demonstrates empathy and values kindness. It has served us very well. When we think about these larger, societal issues, we don’t

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What it Really Means to be "Cloud Native" in the Storage World

What it Really Means to be "Cloud Native" in the Storage World

For Cloud Native, Architecture Matters The term ‘cloud native’ is widely used in technical circles but doesn’t have a particularly clear definition. The confusion lies in the fact that being ‘cloud native’ has little to do with the environment your application is deployed to—the term is equally applicable to on-premise or the public cloud. Rather, the term refers

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Containerized data analytics at scale, with MinIO and Pachyderm

Containers running on orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, DC/OS et al. offer powerful, versatile ways to deploy applications. Containers let you deploy isolated application instances, and you can launch multiple such instances to scale up your load serving capacity. You don’t even need to worry about individual server capacities and scheduling thanks to orchestration tool, which provide

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Deploy MinIO cloud storage to Mesosphere DC/OS

Nitish Tiwari Nitish Tiwari on Docker |

Container orchestration is gaining traction as the default way to deploy applications. Developers are architecting their modern applications from the ground-up to run in containers, which enables faster deployment and more resilience. Even legacy applications are adopting containers in every way they can to access these advantages. Of the many characteristics that make an application container ready, the way it

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Publish MinIO events via Redis

MinIO MinIO MinIO on Operator's Guide |

Introduction Minio [] server supports Amazon S3 compatible bucket event notification for following targets AMQP [], Elasticsearch [] , Redis [], [], PostgreSQL [] and Apache Kafka []. Part 3

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Publish Minio events via RabbitMQ

MinIO MinIO MinIO on Operator's Guide |
Publish Minio events via RabbitMQ

Introduction Minio [] server supports Amazon S3 compatible bucket event notification for following targets AMQP [], Elasticsearch [] , Redis [], [], PostgreSQL [] and Apache Kafka []. Part 1

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Microstorage for Microservices

MinIO MinIO MinIO on Performance |
Microstorage for Microservices

One of the fundamental requirements of microservice is that application containers become stateless. However the states still need to be stored elsewhere, as in databases, object storage, session files, cookies, cache, etc. Microstorage is emerging as a new architecture to address the storage scalability for microservices. Microstorage inherits the idea from microservices that “only small things scale”. Scale-up is not

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