MinIO Blog


A collection of 69 posts tagged with "Performance"

Faster Multi-Site Replication and Resync

Faster Multi-Site Replication and  Resync

First introduced in late 2021, multi-site Active-Active Replication has grown to be one of the most impactful MinIO features. MinIO has long had the ability to replicate between buckets to synchronize objects, delete operations and metadata changes, but Multi-site Active-Active Replication goes beyond bucket replication to synchronize all buckets, IAM, security tokens, service accounts and bucket-level configurations. As businesses gather

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Building Performant Data Infrastructure with Apache Arrow and MinIO

Building Performant Data Infrastructure with Apache Arrow and MinIO

There is a lot of momentum around Apache Arrow these days. A favorite of developers and data practitioners, its use in business-critical applications has grown considerably and data driven organizations like Dremio, InfluxData, Snowflake, Streamlit, and Tellius are all heavily invested. The drivers of this adoption are superior interoperability, simpler data architectures, greater speed and efficiency, more choice of tools

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The Trouble With Cassandra: Why It's a Poor Choice For a Metadata Database for Object Stores

The Trouble With Cassandra: Why It's a Poor Choice For a Metadata Database for Object Stores

Cassandra is a popular, tried-and-true NoSQL database that supports key-value wide-column tables. Like any powerful tool, Cassandra has its ideal use cases - in particular, Cassandra excels at supporting write-heavy workloads, while having limitations when supporting read-heavy workloads. Cassandra's eventual consistency model and lack of transactions, multi-table support like joins, subqueries can also limit its usefulness. However, using

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Why Small Objects Are Such a Big Deal

Why Small Objects Are Such a Big Deal

Over the last decade or so, object storage use cases have evolved considerably as they replace traditional file and block use cases. Specifically the need to work with small data objects is becoming commonplace. Yes, there’s still plenty of large objects but small objects are becoming more prevalent than large for specific workloads and application environments. Traditional object storage

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Impact of Intel vs. ARM CPU Performance for Object Storage

Impact of Intel vs. ARM CPU Performance for Object Storage

The recent announcement from AWS about the general availability of their new ARM-powered Graviton2 servers caused us to take another look at the performance of these ARM servers. In this blog post we describe the results which you may find surprising. Introduction MinIO [] is an Apache licensed, open source S3-compatible object storage server with a

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Introducing Sidekick - A High Performance Load Balancer

Introducing Sidekick - A High Performance Load Balancer

Almost all of the modern cloud-native applications use HTTPs as their primary transport mechanism even within the network. Every service is a collection of HTTPs endpoints provisioned dynamically at scale. Traditional load balancers that are built for serving web applications across the Internet are at a disadvantage here since they use old school DNS round-robin techniques for load balancing and

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