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MinIO Named a Vendor to Watch in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Object Storage and Distributed File Systems

MinIO Named a Vendor to Watch in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for Object Storage and Distributed File Systems

Gartner just released their Magic Quadrant for Object Storage and Distributed File Systems, and they have an elite list of companies on their “Vendors to Watch” list. MinIO is on this highly selective list for the second year and we are delighted that Gartner continues to recognize our leadership in the space.

MinIO is pioneering the concept of high-performance object storage and Gartner has taken notice, writing in their report, “we are also seeing several emerging vendors specifically tackling performance, scale and deployment flexibility improvement required for large-scale training and inference AI/machine learning workloads.”

While others may claim to be high-performance, we are publishing our results and have challenged the industry to do the same. Given the deafening silence, we are comfortable with our claim that we are the fastest object storage system on the planet.

It is not just speed, however, that gets us the kind of recognition we have received lately - it is also about cloud native capabilities and scale. On the cloud native front, our Kubernetes expertise is well documented - indeed, our Docker pull #s now exceed 370K per day. It is also about our vast number of integrations with microservices that can be found here.

It is worth noting that none of the companies on the magic quadrant are Kubernetes friendly. It would be hard to imagine them staying on the list without becoming so, but the question is how they would accomplish this. It is hard to “engineer” a cloud native mentality. Just ask VMware - they spent two years rewriting core elements to support orchestration.

Our position is that there are only four major players in the Kubernetes-friendly object storage world - MinIO, GCP, Azure and AWS. Of those, MinIO is the dominant player in the private cloud/onprem space.

Another area Gartner talks about in the MQ is the ability to scale. MinIO’s approach of “simple scales” is different from legacy vendors. Our philosophy is that you keep your failure domain small and stack those domains infinitely to achieve maximum performance and minimal failure surface area. The result is a multi-tenant architecture where each tenant runs their own MinIO cluster, fully isolated from other tenants - protecting them from any disruption on upgrade, update or security incidents. Each tenant scales independently by federating clusters across data centers and geographies.

The last thing worth noting is that MinIO is powering at least two of the other vendors mentioned in the Magic Quadrant. MinIO is Qumulo’s S3 layer and powers Nutanix’s object storage offering (Buckets).

While we think Gartner should have a dedicated MQ for Object Storage, we are pleased they continue to recognize our leadership, innovation and performance.
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