MinIO Blog

MinIO Blog

Simplicity at Scale

Frank Wessels Frank Wessels on |
Simplicity at Scale

Frank Wessels is a founder at Sneller and previously worked at MinIO. Introduction While at MinIO, perhaps the most important lesson that I learned was about simplicity. Simplicity is is paramount if you want to achieve (true) scalability. This permeated MinIO's architecture and software design from front to back and drove, amongst others, the important Sneller decisions that

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Using MinIO as external tables to extend Snowflake

Using MinIO as external tables to extend Snowflake

Snowflake is now the de facto standard for cloud data warehouse platforms. It is architected to support a variety of data tasks from pipelines, ETL, analytics and governance. Traditionally, all the data needed to be moved into Snowflake for an enterprise to take advantage of the Snowflake capabilities. Snowflake, however, has understood that enterprises want to integrate their data wherever

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Migrating MinIO Cluster Instances with Zero Downtime and Zero Data Loss

Migrating MinIO Cluster Instances with Zero Downtime and Zero Data Loss

With the advent of cloud computing, ephemeral compute instances have become ubiquitous. This introduces a whole set of challenges around managing the software, applying DevOps principles, addressing security vulnerabilities and ensuring automation. These are mission-critical in order to prevent data theft and service disruption. Addressing security vulnerabilities is particularly challenging as it frequently takes the form of updating and restarting

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Takeaways from Kubecon EU

Takeaways from Kubecon EU

Kubecon EU in Valencia, Spain was a welcome breath of fresh air for the Kubernetes community. While the Linux Foundation and the CNCF did great work in the pandemic, nothing is quite like seeing your “people” in person. That what Valencia delivered. I don’t know the attendance figures off the top of my head, but having been in Los

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Introducing DirectPV

Introducing DirectPV

DirectPV is a CSI driver for Direct Attached Storage. At the most basic level, it is a distributed persistent volume manager, and not a storage system like SAN or NAS. DirectPV is used to discover, format, mount, schedule and monitor drives across servers. Before we get into the architecture of DirectPV, let’s address why we needed to build it.

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Machine Learning Using H20, R and MinIO

Brian Costa Brian Costa on H20 |
Machine Learning Using H20, R and MinIO

I’ve been working with neural networks and machine learning since the late ‘80. Yes, I’m that old. The first product I bought was California Scientific Software BrainMaker Professional. I loved that product because it got me started with neural networks. I still have it: It was a 3 layer neural network product that came with source code in

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MinIO and Apache Arrow Using R

MinIO and Apache Arrow Using R

Arrow here, Arrow there, Arrow everywhere. Seems like currently you can't swing a dead cat without hitting an article or blog post about Apache Arrow. Most seem to be addressing a developer audience and are based on a Python and Spark style development platform. Today I’m going to write about using Apache Arrow with MinIO from the

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Building Performant Data Infrastructure with Apache Arrow and MinIO

Building Performant Data Infrastructure with Apache Arrow and MinIO

There is a lot of momentum around Apache Arrow these days. A favorite of developers and data practitioners, its use in business-critical applications has grown considerably and data driven organizations like Dremio, InfluxData, Snowflake, Streamlit, and Tellius are all heavily invested. The drivers of this adoption are superior interoperability, simpler data architectures, greater speed and efficiency, more choice of tools

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The Architect’s Guide to Using AI/ML with Object Storage

The Architect’s Guide to Using AI/ML with Object Storage

This post first appeared in The New Stack. With the constant evolution of the enterprise, machine learning and artificial intelligence have become board-level initiatives. Marketing claims aside, capabilities that seemed almost mythical a few years ago are now taken for granted as AI/ML becomes baked into every software stack and architecture. This is becoming known as AI-first architecture. In

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