Connect Dremio to MinIO with Self-Signed TLS

AJ AJ on Dremio |
Connect Dremio to MinIO with Self-Signed TLS

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to configure Dremio to connect to MinIO, which uses self-signed TLS certificates. This is one of the more common use cases, and we’ve had customers from SUBNET ask time and time again how they can configure something like this.

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Prefix vs Folder

AJ AJ on Object Storage |
Prefix vs Folder

How you ever wondered how object storage creates its folder structure mimicking a POSIX style hierarchy but something that is actually built for speed and efficiency? Today in this post you will find out what actually makes the internal structure you see visually in your MInIO buckets.

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Replication Strategies Deep Dive

AJ AJ on DevOps |
Replication Strategies Deep Dive

With all these different types of replication types floating around one has to wonder which replication strategy to use where? Today we’ll demystify these different replication strategies to see which one should be used in which scenario.

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Hungry GPUs Need Fast Object Storage

Hungry GPUs Need Fast Object Storage

A chain is as strong as its weakest link - and your AI/ML infrastructure is only as fast as your slowest component. If you train machine learning models with GPUs, then your weak link may be your storage solution. The result is what I call the “Starving GPU Problem.”  The Starving GPU problem occurs when your network or your

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The Strengths, Weaknesses and Dangers of LLMs

The Strengths, Weaknesses and Dangers of LLMs

Much has been said lately about the wonders of Large Language Models (LLMs). Most of these accolades are deserved. Ask ChatGPT to describe the General Theory of Relativity and you will get a very good (and accurate) answer. However, at the end of the day ChatGPT is still a computer program (as are all other LLMs) that is blindly executing

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We Read Google’s New Egress Policy So You Don’t Have To…It Is Surprising

We Read Google’s New Egress Policy So You Don’t Have To…It Is Surprising

Google recently announced that it would eliminate data egress fees for those leaving the platform. Given our position on the cloud operating model and the lifecycle of the cloud, this appeared to be a major announcement. It is not.  You could understand our initial enthusiasm. Google stated that any  "customers who wish to stop using Google Cloud and migrate

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