MinIO Blog

MinIO Blog Posts by Jonathan Symonds

A collection of 86 posts from Jonathan Symonds

Pulumi and MinIO - Making Multi-Cloud Magic

Pulumi and MinIO - Making Multi-Cloud Magic

As we have noted before, one of the great advantages of being cloud native is that integrations are generally pretty seamless. We don’t want to oversimplify, engineering is engineering, but as a rule this makes putting different pieces together easier and more impactful. One such example is our work with Pulumi []. Pulumi enables cloud engineering

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Saving the Planet One Tenant at Time

Saving the Planet One Tenant at Time

Every company needs to have climate change as a part of their business plan. Think of it as a contract with society at large. MinIO has taken great pride in developing a culture that thinks about big problems, demonstrates empathy and values kindness. It has served us very well. When we think about these larger, societal issues, we don’t

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Cloud Native Data Management Day - 2.5 MinIO Presentations

MinIO is a proud sponsor of Cloud Native Data Management Days [] (CNDM Days) - a community initiative designed to bring together Kubernetes and cloud native data management enthusiasts. Featuring one day virtual events ahead of Kubecon Europe and Kubecon, the CNDM days feature a superb array of speakers from across the spectrum - developers, analysts, architects and

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Kubernetes, Consistency and Commoditization - The Way of the Cloud

Kubernetes, Consistency and Commoditization - The Way of the Cloud

When you think about the cloud, it helps to think about the types of businesses that have been built with elastic compute, networking and storage as a foundational component and self-service/multi-tenancy as the vehicle for customer engagement. For the most part, those businesses succeeded at scaling by focusing their efforts on building their product, almost exclusively on a single

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The Scalability Myth

The Scalability Myth

Lots of object storage companies like to talk about scalability while tossing around terms like exabytes and “infinite.” Unfortunately, many of the terms used to describe scalability make grandiose and misleading promises that don’t help enterprises build an effective storage platform. Claims made around the simplest use case, static archival data, aren’t translatable to the entirety of use

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Why MinIO Wins the Hybrid Cloud

Why MinIO Wins the Hybrid Cloud

We just wrapped Storage Field Day 2021 [] and during our session we generated a particular amount of interest around our hybrid strategy. At the end, we were a little compressed on time, but the message resonated and was the primary subject of the breakout room discussion with the delegates after the cameras stopped

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The Trouble With Cassandra: Why It's a Poor Choice For a Metadata Database for Object Stores

The Trouble With Cassandra: Why It's a Poor Choice For a Metadata Database for Object Stores

Cassandra is a popular, tried-and-true NoSQL database that supports key-value wide-column tables. Like any powerful tool, Cassandra has its ideal use cases - in particular, Cassandra excels at supporting write-heavy workloads, while having limitations when supporting read-heavy workloads. Cassandra's eventual consistency model and lack of transactions, multi-table support like joins, subqueries can also limit its usefulness. However, using

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Why Small Objects Are Such a Big Deal

Why Small Objects Are Such a Big Deal

Over the last decade or so, object storage use cases have evolved considerably as they replace traditional file and block use cases. Specifically the need to work with small data objects is becoming commonplace. Yes, there’s still plenty of large objects but small objects are becoming more prevalent than large for specific workloads and application environments. Traditional object storage

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Why Our Customers Buy

Why Our Customers Buy

The MinIO Subscription Network is unique. A blend of commercial license and direct-to-engineering support it also offers access to the panic button, architectural and security reviews and a host of other features and technologies that ensure our customers never lose data or suffer a security breach. We recently asked our customer base to participate in a flash survey to tell

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Six Takeaways from KubeCon 2020

Six Takeaways from KubeCon 2020

Kubecon went virtual this year and let’s be honest, it wasn’t the same – on any level. It lacked the electricity, the enthusiasm and interaction that makes this a geek version of the holiday season. Still, the content was outstanding and continues to serve as the engine of this amazing event. Each Kubecon is a major milestone – an opportunity

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