Confluent Platform with MinIO Tiered Object Storage Throughput Benchmark

Confluent, Intel and MinIO conducted benchmarking and certification testing for MinIO Tiered Object Storage for Kafka storage. This blog post describes the observations and results of testing MinIO object storage as a backend for the tiered storage feature of Confluent Platform 7.1.0 on servers equipped with third generation Intel Xeon Scalable processors. The scope of these tests was to observe the read, write and delete performance of MinIO object storage under heavy workloads originating from the Kafka broker related to tiered storage.
Confluent Platform is a full-scale data streaming platform that enables you to easily access, store, and manage data as continuous, real-time streams. Confluent fully supports MinIO object storage as a Tiered Storage layer. Tiered Storage makes storing massive volumes of data in Kafka manageable by reducing operational burden and cost. The concept is to disaggregate data storage from data processing, allowing each to scale independently. With Confluent Tiered Storage, you can send warm data to cost-effective MinIO object storage, and scale Kafka Brokers and storage separately for greater efficiency. This combination enables individual Kafka clusters to grow to petabytes of data when deployed on the optimal hardware.
Confluent Tiered Storage using MinIO object storage improves Kafka scalability, elasticity and performance. With tiered storage, the warm tier handles elasticity and throughput for long-term storage, while the hot tier relies on fast local short-term storage. Previously, replication and re-replication affected all brokers, slowing down performance. Now, with compute and storage decoupled, brokers now only replicate hot data and MinIO’s erasure coding protects warm data. Software-defined MinIO enables infinite storage in Confluent Platform.
Our results running a throughput test between 5 Kafka Brokers and an 8 node MinIO cluster with 64 NVMe drives across a 40 Gbps network can be summarized as follows:
Benchmark Environment
Testing was conducted using Intel hardware. MinIO Server nodes were configured with 40GbE networking and NVMe drives.
Kafka Management nodes consist of 3 machines for Zookeeper and 5 machines for test tools. One Kafka Broker machine was dedicated to Grafana and Prometheus.
For the software components of the test, we used:
Tier Fetch Benchmark
We performed the steps listed in Section 3. Tier Fetch Benchmark section of the Confluent Tier Object Store Compatibility Checker (TOCC) procedure. The TOCC framework is used to assess the compatibility of an object store with tiered storage.
The scope of the performance tests conducted was to observe the read, write and delete performance of MinIO object storage under the following heavy workloads originating from the Kafka broker related to tiered storage:
- Background write workload to archive stream data from Broker’s local disk (or page cache) to MinIO object storage.
- Streaming read(fetch) workload to serve historical fetch requests from consumers.
- Background deletion workload that deletes stream data in MinIO object storage when data retention has expired.
An important part of the performance of the object store APIs for serving reads is its ability to serve range fetch read requests under heavy load. This benchmark is useful to measure the performance of the object store when serving range fetch requests from segments generated by the benchmark. In this benchmark, the client reading/writing from/to the object store is not the Kafka broker, but rather a custom client developed using some of the core libraries directly used by Confluent internally to serve the tier fetch requests.
For each record_size_bytes
chosen from the list: [500, 50000, 500000, 1000000, 2000000], the benchmark performs 60 iterations with each iteration consisting of all of the following set of steps below. It then measures the avg/min/max time taken to complete the entire range fetch request across all 60 iterations.
Here are the steps carried out by the benchmark per iteration:
- Create a segment and populate it with records each having the specified
, until the segment reaches 100MB in size. - Upload the generated segment to the object store.
- Fetch a range of 10MB from the segment in chunks. Measure the time taken to complete the entire range fetch request.
- Print the benchmark output to stderr.
MinIO Configuration
The MinIO binary was downloaded onto each server node, and configured as follows:
# Remote volumes to be used for MinIO server.
# Use if you want to run MinIO on a custom port.
MINIO_OPTS="--console-address :9199"
# Root user for the server.
# Root secret for the server.
Network Performance
In virtually all cases with MinIO, the network is the bottleneck. MinIO takes full advantage of the available underlying server hardware. In this test, a single 40 Gbps network connected Kafka Brokers, Kafka Management Tools and MinIO Servers.
Therefore, the maximum throughput that can be expected from each of these nodes would be 5 Gbytes/sec.
There are 8 nodes, making the theoretical maximum GET throughput 40 GB/sec and PUT throughput 20 GB/sec. Our results fall within those parameters.
Running the Confluent TOCC Performance Tests
We deployed and started the Confluent Platform using instructions provided here. Particularly, the components required to be started were Kafka Brokers, ZooKeeper and Control Center.
We enable tiered storage on the test cluster using instructions provided here.
We deployed the Kafka Brokers such that they exported JMX metrics at a specific port. The TOCC JAR collects JMX metrics from this port for use during the tiered storage correctness test.
We deployed Trogdor to parallelize tests and workloads to run on Trogdor agents deployed across multiple machines (Kafka Management node type). For parallel produce-consume and retention workloads, the test script leverages Trogdor agent's in-built ProduceBenchSpec and ConsumeBenchSpec to generate the load. For parallel tier fetch benchmark and correctness tests, the script leverages the TOCC JAR described above using the agent's in-built ExternalCommandSpec.
We then ran the tier fetch benchmark with the following workloads:
- A produce-consume workload
- A produce-consume workload with Object Store fault injection
- A retention workload
Interpretation of Results
The first test run using five Kafka Brokers each equipped with 1 NVMe drive saw total throughput limited by I/O.
The second test run added 4 NVMe drives to each Kafka Broker to increase I/O throughput. During this test run, all Kafka Brokers were at 30%-35% CPU utilization and close to 100% I/O utilization. Network utilization was very close to 100% of the 40Gbps network links. At the same time, MinIO nodes experienced 10%-15% CPU utilization and 40% I/O utilization. MinIO performance was gated by network throughput.
To test this theory, we add another Kafka Broker and 3 more NVMe drives to each Kafka Broker, yielding 6 Kafka Brokers with 8 NVMe drives each. No changes were made to the MinIO configuration. Network utilization again approached 100%. Adding an additional Kafka Broker and adding drives to each Kafka Broker did not improve overall throughput – in fact Kafka throughput declined.
In this case the 40 Gbps network is, again, the bottleneck as MinIO gets close to hardware performance for both reads and writes.
Based on the results above, we found that MinIO is more than capable of providing high-performance error-free tiering of Kafka data. The 8 Intel Xeon nodes equipped with NVMe drives running MinIO more than met the throughput demands of the Kafka Brokers in each test. We found that MinIO scales up more efficiently than Kafka Brokers.
Finally, the importance of network bandwidth cannot be stressed enough. While MinIO performance will increase on a near linear basis with additional servers, bandwidth will often be the bottleneck and architects should build with those constraints in mind.
You can download a PDF of the Benchmark for further analysis. Download MinIO and if you have questions, ping us on or join our Slack community.