Takeaways from Kubecon EU

Takeaways from Kubecon EU

Kubecon EU in Valencia, Spain was a welcome breath of fresh air for the Kubernetes community. While the Linux Foundation and the CNCF did great work in the pandemic, nothing is quite like seeing your “people” in person. That what Valencia delivered. I don’t know the attendance figures off the top of my head, but having been in Los


How to Install and Configure Kubeflow with MinIO Operator

How to Install and Configure Kubeflow with MinIO Operator

Kubeflow is a modern solution to design, build and orchestrate Machine Learning pipelines using the latest and most popular frameworks. Out of the box, Kubeflow ships with MinIO inside to store all of its pipelines, artifacts and logs, however that MinIO is limited to a single PVC and thus cannot benefit from all the features a distributed MinIO brings to


Simplifying Multi-Tenant Object Storage as a Service with Kubernetes and MinIO Operator

Simplifying Multi-Tenant Object Storage as a Service with Kubernetes and MinIO Operator

This post was updated on 1.12.22. Object storage as a service is the hottest concept in storage today. The reason is straightforward: object storage is the storage class of the cloud and the ability to provision it seamlessly to applications or developers makes it immensely valuable to enterprises of any size. The challenge is that object storage as


Kubernetes CSI and COSI: a Symbiotic Relationship

Kubernetes CSI and COSI: a Symbiotic Relationship

The push to standardize Object Storage in Kubernetes has gained significant momentum in the recent months. The new standard, named COSI for Container Object Storage Interface, strikes a similar chord to CSI  —  a well known standard for consuming storage in Kubernetes. In this article, I’ll dive into COSI, its architecture, and how it fits alongside CSI. Finally, I’ll


Tiering, Active Active Replication and Continuous Data Protection - Critical Capabilities in the Cloud: CFD11 Deep Dive Session Two

Tiering, Active Active Replication and Continuous Data Protection - Critical Capabilities in the Cloud: CFD11 Deep Dive Session Two

The MinIO team is immensely proud of what we have been able to build in the high performance object storage, so we relished the opportunity to showcase our ever-growing functionality at Cloud Field Day in June. After beginning with a high-level overview, we got the chance to dive deeper into MinIO’s various features that put it at the cutting


Cloud Native Data Management Day - 2.5 MinIO Presentations

MinIO is a proud sponsor of Cloud Native Data Management Days [https://cndmday.com/] (CNDM Days) - a community initiative designed to bring together Kubernetes and cloud native data management enthusiasts. Featuring one day virtual events ahead of Kubecon Europe and Kubecon, the CNDM days feature a superb array of speakers from across the spectrum - developers, analysts, architects and


Kubernetes, Consistency and Commoditization - The Way of the Cloud

Kubernetes, Consistency and Commoditization - The Way of the Cloud

When you think about the cloud, it helps to think about the types of businesses that have been built with elastic compute, networking and storage as a foundational component and self-service/multi-tenancy as the vehicle for customer engagement. For the most part, those businesses succeeded at scaling by focusing their efforts on building their product, almost exclusively on a single


Announcing the MinIO Kubernetes Operator and Operator Console

Announcing the MinIO Kubernetes Operator and Operator Console

Object-storage-as-a-service is a game changer for IT. For the better part of a decade, IT has watched as developers provisioned object storage for emerging applications on the public cloud - driving much of the adoption of this medium. This creates many well-known issues for IT. This is not a simple control issue, it is a broader and much more critical