MinIO Blog

MinIO Blog

Multi-Site Active-Active Replication

Multi-Site Active-Active Replication

Synchronizing data between multiple data centers is a core competency of any object storage service. MinIO already checked this box with its performance optimized Server-Side Active-Active Bucket Replication. Initially, MinIO only recommended two MinIO deployments. Active-Active replication supports scenarios such as: * Same-DC Replication * Cross-DC Replication * Same-Region Replication * Cross-Region Replication Active-Active replication is a key tool for organizations looking for multi

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Kubernetes CSI and COSI: a Symbiotic Relationship

Kubernetes CSI and COSI: a Symbiotic Relationship

The push to standardize Object Storage in Kubernetes has gained significant momentum in the recent months. The new standard, named COSI for Container Object Storage Interface, strikes a similar chord to CSI  —  a well known standard for consuming storage in Kubernetes. In this article, I’ll dive into COSI, its architecture, and how it fits alongside CSI. Finally, I’ll

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Publish from Kafka, Persist on MinIO

Publish from Kafka, Persist on MinIO

Streaming data is a core component of the modern object storage stack.  Whether the source of that data is an edge device or an application running in the datacenter, streaming data is quickly outpacing traditional batch processing frameworks. Streaming data includes everything from log files (think Splunk SmartStore), web or mobile applications, autonomous vehicles, social networks and, of course financial

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What it Really Means to be Software Defined

What it Really Means to be Software Defined

This post first appeared in the Container Journal [] . The term “software-defined storage” is widely misunderstood by the vendor community. While analysts, both industry and financial, know that software-defined is both the present and future of the storage industry, customers who are unable to make the distinction may find themselves with a hardware- or appliance-based solution

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Tiering, Active Active Replication and Continuous Data Protection - Critical Capabilities in the Cloud: CFD11 Deep Dive Session Two

Tiering, Active Active Replication and Continuous Data Protection - Critical Capabilities in the Cloud: CFD11 Deep Dive Session Two

The MinIO team is immensely proud of what we have been able to build in the high performance object storage, so we relished the opportunity to showcase our ever-growing functionality at Cloud Field Day in June. After beginning with a high-level overview, we got the chance to dive deeper into MinIO’s various features that put it at the cutting

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Saving the Planet One Tenant at Time

Saving the Planet One Tenant at Time

Every company needs to have climate change as a part of their business plan. Think of it as a contract with society at large. MinIO has taken great pride in developing a culture that thinks about big problems, demonstrates empathy and values kindness. It has served us very well. When we think about these larger, societal issues, we don’t

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