Document management is a core requirement for all sorts of regulated institutions - finance, telecom, healthcare, government and others. These institutions need to manage and retain an ever growing number of documents and regulatory guidelines often require these documents to be stored for a very long term (7-10 years).
Take for example, KYC (Know Your Customer) documents. Anyone starting
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The MinIO Subscription Network is unique. A blend of commercial license and direct-to-engineering support it also offers access to the panic button, architectural and security reviews and a host of other features and technologies that ensure our customers never lose data or suffer a security breach.
We recently asked our customer base to participate in a flash survey to tell
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Kubecon went virtual this year and let’s be honest, it wasn’t the same – on any
level. It lacked the electricity, the enthusiasm and interaction that makes this
a geek version of the holiday season. Still, the content was outstanding and
continues to serve as the engine of this amazing event.
Each Kubecon is a major milestone – an opportunity
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The Hybrid Cloud is a hot term these days. It should be. Ultimately it will represent the vast majority of enterprise cloud architectures (Gartner is saying 90%+).
The public cloud will continue to grow. The private cloud will continue to grow. The edge will continue to grow. All fueled by the data that continues to grow.
While the hybrid cloud
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At the beginning of the decade, the total data in the world added up to 2
zettabytes. It has grown to 59 zettabytes today. In a matter of 10 years, it has
grown 30-fold.
Unstructured data
The majority of data that exists today are photos, videos or some kind of
point-in-time events. These kinds of data do not have an
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The promise/allure of the public cloud is based on the concept that it is
elastic. One can, with little effort, scale up workloads and, if desired, scale
down those same workloads. We have written on this subject before
[] - from the perspective of what workloads to
consider as you evaluate what to take
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MinIO was designed in the same fashion that the hyper-scalers were – with simple building blocks that limit failure domains but can grow infinitely. Still there are some features that you really need to have in order to go galactic in size. They are:
1. Server Side Replication: With MinIO’s server side replication capabilities, organizations can create active-active replication across
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One of the key requirements driving enterprises towards cloud-native object storage platforms is the ability to consume storage in a multi-data center setup. Multiple data centers provide resilient, highly available storage clusters, capable of withstanding the complete failure of one or more of those data centers. Multi-data center support brings private and hybrid cloud infrastructure closer to how the public
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With the introduction of Apache Arrow, language-independent columnar memory format for flat and hierarchical data, organized for efficient analytic operations, MinIO data lakes can be much more powerful. This article explains how to make use of Apache Arrow by using ArrowRDD.
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Today we are pleased to announce
a significant expansion of our partnership []
with VMware.
This next phase represents a deeper collaboration from our award winning work
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Two days ago, on Sep. 08, research teams from Germany and Israel published a
joint research paper [] describing
another TLS timing attack - called Raccoon. This attack targets all TLS versions
up to 1.2.
The new attack [] exploits a timing side-channel
during the TLS handshake when the Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange
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While MinIO is known for being a high-performance, cloud-native object store,
the security of the system and the resilience of the data have always been
paramount. From erasure coding
[], bitrot
protection, object healing, WORM and sophisticated, performant encryption -
ensuring data is safe - across a number a different vectors has always guided
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By introducing the ability to subscribe to our software online we obviously
invite the question: “why should I pay for free software?”
There are two conditions and three reasons:
The conditions under which you should pay for free software:
> MinIO is the primary storage system for your organization (e.g. production)
> The data stored in MinIO is a
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Once we have convinced you of why you should pay for free software
[], the next question becomes:
“what is the value of what I am getting from my subscription?”
The MinIO Subscription Network is not one thing - rather it is a collection of
technology, talent and licensing that
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The aggregation/disaggregation wheel is technology dependent. We are, however,
in a heavy wave of disaggregation as it relates to compute and storage. Given
currently available technologies the economics are pretty straightforward –
companies big and small can save 60% plus on a TCO basis simply by separating
the compute/analytics layer from the storage layer.
Sometimes we need a little
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Aaron Tilley of the Wall Street Journal has an interesting piece
(paywalled) today that speaks to one of the challenges that businesses are
facing on the pandemic related technology front. The net of it is that companies
are spending more and more on cloud costs, sometimes independent of their
business outcomes. It doesn'
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We took MinIO’s partnership with Veeam up a notch today with the addition of Veeam Object Storage with Immutability badge. Already a member of the Veeam-Ready program, the additional badge puts MinIO in rarefied air - less than a quarter of the object storage vendors have been able to add this distinction.
The distinction is based on the ability
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There are dozens of use cases for object locking, but one that is getting a tremendous amount of attention these days is ransomware. Ransomware works by encrypting your files and holding you hostage for the encryption key. Until recently, backups were the forgotten part of the Ransomware workflow. Because they were “just backups” they were not well protected and as
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